The gifts of negative emotions 

Dr Edward Bach said, “Treat the cause not the effect.”

Each emotion we feel gives us important information on the changes we need to bring about in order to reach a balanced state.

We can best understand and decode our negative emotions when we are able to step back, and observe and analyse them. Once we become aware of the emotion and why we are feeling it, it loses its power over us. Take a look at the language of some of our emotions –

Shame helps us keep in check, and signals that we may have taken an action that can harm others or ourselves. It helps us to identify and take accountability for our actions. Too much shame can mean we are internalizing other people’s beliefs about who we should be or who we are. That we need to reconnect with ourselves.

When we feel shame, we need to ask ourselves – Did I engage in behaviours that caused harm? If we didn’t then it is important to assign correct responsibility. We should check in with ourselves to make sure we are not taking on another person’s beliefs about how we should behave.

Resentment shows us where we are living in the past and not allowing the present to be as it is. It tells us we may be holding on to judgments about how our expectations about people and situations, or from ourselves, were not met.

When we feel resentment, we need to ask ourselves, who or what I need to forgive and be more compassionate towards?

Envy tells us that our focus is someone else, we are thinking about what they have, their looks, their relationships etc. It takes the focus away from ourselves. Sometimes envy helps us to discern more closely what has not happened in our own life that we might possibly strive to attain for ourselves for the better.

When we experience envy, we need to gently bring back the focus to ourselves and practice gratitude. We should also step back and parse out the feelings of resentment, and understand why we are feeling this emotion. What is missing in my life that I wish to experience, and how can I work towards it? What can I learn from his/her success that I can apply to my plans? Have I set the right standards for my success? Maybe I am not celebrating what I have created enough.

Emotional discomfort shows us that we need to pay attention right now to what is happening, because we are being given the opportunity to change, to do something different from what we would typically do.

When we feel discomfort, we need to ask ourselves, what do I need to change?

Anger shows us when an injustice has been perpetrated. It tells us what we are passionate about, what our boundaries should be, and what we believe needs to change about the world. If our anger becomes noticeable when we are feeling inadequate, we need to check for the possibility that our anger may be a reaction to that.

When we feel angry, we need to ask ourselves – Has there has been injustice done to others or ourselves, or are we feeling inadequate and reacting to that?

Disappointment happens when we try for something and it doesn’t work out. It shows us that we still care. It the uncomfortable space between our expectation and reality. When we believe that there’s something we must have to be happy and fulfilled, we can set ourselves up for disappointment. This emotion gives us valuable information about our beliefs about ourselves, other people, and what will make us truly happy.

When we feel disappointed, we need to re-look at our beliefs about what makes us happy, and remind ourselves to be open minded. We should keep an eye on what we want and at the same time stay open to various ways in which it can come about.

Anxiety shows that we need to wake up to now, and that we need to be present. It tells us that we are stuck in the past and living in fear of the future.

When we feel anxiety, we need to ask ourselves – What negative or painful event have I left unresolved and chosen to carry forward?

Sadness shows the depth of our feeling, the depth of our care for others and this world. It also makes us aware of what we need to let go. If we can truly let go, relaxation and rejuvenation will follow.

When we are sad, we need to ask ourselves – What is it that I need to let go of?

Bach Flower Remedies, discovered by Dr Bach in 1920s, is an alternate medicine system that uses natural flower based essences. Each flower remedies address each negative emotion, and help us reach a more balanced state so that we can deal with them positively.
Olive Tree promotes wellbeing through healing with and learning Bach Flower Remedies. As practitioners of alternative medicine our aim is to enhance wellness and healing by restoring the mind and body harmony.

Our services include Bach Flower Therapy consultation (at our centre in New Delhi, and online worldwide) and a Bach Centre UK certified short distance learning programme which can be taken from any place worldwide and will empower you to heal your family and friends and also to start a fulfilling career in alternative medicine. We also sell Bach flower essences. To know more call us on 9717146337 or write to us on